Friday 8 April 2011

Video Games by Alistair :D

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Legend
Puzzle action adventure in third person where the aim was to find a weapon and save the world. It probably appeals to teenagers, both male and female, as there's the sex appeal for boys, and the role model of the heroin for females.

The camera can get annoying, so when trying to do a tricky jumping or climbing puzzle it can switch angles all of a sudden making you fail. and. Because of the lack of objective marker, it can be easy to get lost.

GTA: Liberty City
A violent shooter game biased around car theft and crime. Due to violence, blood, weapons. crime, drug use, sex, etc. this game is rated 18, and is probably aimed at 18-28 year-old males, although, it does also have a large younger fan base.

Because people under the age rating play this game, the glorification of crime and drugs is a down point, along with it having, I feel, rather unusual controls.

Canis Canem
A PS2 game where you play a school boy who goes around doing normal school boy stuff (standing up to bullies, hitting people etc). It's probably aimed at young teens as the age rating is a 15.
Unless you already know what you're meant to do, you'll be stuck playing tedious and rather tricky mini games.

Red Dead
PS3 and rated 18.
A third person shooter probably aimed at late teens to young men because of graphic and violent content (such as skinning a dead horse).
Although over all has fun game play and a very good rep in gaming circles, the HUD is poor, the controls are confusing and the camera is hard to use.

Time Splitters 2
Multi-player FPS rated 15 and for the gamecube. 
Probably aimed at boys to young teens as it has a has a younger theme (time travel? This is what the name hinted at.)

The graphics were poor (understandable, as on gamecube), the consoles where hard (again, gamecube have strange controllers, which I am unfamiliar with). Plus, it was hard to re-map the controls and was seemingly stuck on inverted. Most FPS sell well due to weapon customisation, however, in this game you were stuck using dual wield weapons, which are largely hated though out gaming circles and are often called Nooby.

Super Mario Sunshine
A 3+ adventure for the gamecube aimed at young children due to bright colours and positive messages.

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