Genre- Open-ended Action game
Target Audience - Males 16 - 25
Played on a X-box 360
Content - Drive around completing missions, violent.
Issues: The cars are hard to control.
Bully Game
Target audience - mostly males aged 13 - 20
There are missions to do at school also have to go to classes and sleep etc.
played on a PS3
Issues - Easiest to control but not clear where to go or what to do.
Red dead redemption.
Genre - action/western
Played on a PS3
Content - Missions to complete on your horse.
issues- A lot of buttons for different functions.
Target audience - Boys and Girls aged 10-20
Time splinters tomb
Genre- Shooting game.
Played on X-box game cube
Content to shoot enemies.
Issues - really hard to control the viewing and direction.
Target audience - Males ages 13-18
Genre - platform game.
Played on x-box game cube
content - to complete missions to help save the city
Target audience - Males and females aged 5-15 and families.
Issues- They didn't have a map in the corner so was unclear where your going, so ended up in circles.
My favorite game was red dead redemption because the missions was most clear, although it was hard to control where you where going etc.
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